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Saison 3

¤301 - The Manhattan Project

 Ignacio: Morning Kim.
Kimmie: That's your daughter? The one that works at Mode and went on that big trip.
Ignacio: Yeah, Betty, and now she's even planning on getting an appartment in the city.
Kimmie: OK Jose, we don't get paid to chitchat. Corporate's been all over my grill about hygienes, so get your gloves on and clean those nasty toilets.
Ignacio: But I thought I was on fryer today?
Kimmie: Change of plan. Urinal cake's in the back.

Marc: Like taking candy from a tranny

Hilda: (to Betty) What's up with your hair it looks like a bird's nest


¤302- Filing for the Enemy

Daniel: Thank you... for having faith in me.
Betty: That's what friends are for.
Daniel: You're coming back? Right?
Betty: Well.. that depends... on whether or not I can keep the raise Wilhelmina gave me?
Daniel: Huh. Wow. wow. Talk about using your moment of leverage.
Betty: It's good to have you back, Daniel.
Daniel: It's good to be back.
Betty: No, seriously... about the raise. You know, once you keep go there you can't really go back.
Daniel: Really? (both laughing)

Marc: Betty?
Betty: Marc?
Marc: Well, here we are. As if nothing's changed.
Betty: You left those letters for me. Didn't you? You planned this whole thing so that I would be back with Daniel and you could have Wilhelmina all to yourself.
Marc: Oh, don't be absurd. I would never do anything to hurt Wilhemina's interests... unless they're hurting mine.

Amanda (Singing to Marc): Hush Little Homo don't you cry, Mandy's gonna steal you a Prada tie.


¤303 - Crimes of Fashion

Amanda: So I asked about the tapes, so what? I am not splitting Wilhelmina's reward money with you.
Betty: Amanda, I don't care about the reward, I just need to help Daniel. Look, you know he's innocent too.
Amanda: I do. Look, don't judge me, okay? Not that you ever really could in ... that. But I really really need that reward money. I'm having a little bit of a cash flow problem and I may or may not have maxed out a few credit cards.
Betty: How many?
Amanda: (mumbles) Like fifteen.
Amanda: Shush, I like nice things, okay? So what? Anyway, I'm not talking to my parents now, so I'm kind of on my own with this. Not that you care.
Betty: No, of course I care. Look Amanda, you were there the night Christina got pushed. So why don't you just tell me what you remember?
Amanda: Well, it was late, that's when I usually try the credit card company's Indian call centers. They're so much nicer.
Amanda: (on the phone) Seriously, I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this, Rahoul. Is it a crime to purchase things you can't pay for? No.
Betty: Amanda, have you seen the mustard? I need it for my big fat sandwich, which I'm always like eating around you and making a total mess of myself.
Amanda:I know, you always are, right?
(present day)
Betty: I do not always eat sandwiches, and I wasn't even there.
Amanda: I'm just saying it really does feel that way sometimes. So anyway, I was back at my desk.
Amanda: (on the phone) Okay, if I pay my bill, then I can't pay my rent and if I can't pay my rent, then where will you send my bill? See this is actually all for you.
(A womanish scream is heard off-screen.)
(present day)
Betty: Huh, Christina?
Amanda: I peered around the corner, but it wasn't a woman. Well, it was Marc.


¤304 - Betty Suarez Land

Betty: (on the phone with Daniel, she and Gio are hiding D.J. so his grandparents can't take him away) Where should we take him? Does he like tha ballet, because they're doing Swan Lake -
Daniel:You're not going to take him to the ballet.
Gio: (at the same time) We're not gonna take him to the ballet.
Betty: Well, what's wong with the ballet. Kids love tha ballet. Justin loves the ballet.


¤305 - Granny Pants

Wilhelmina: I will never forget. Nico was 4, and I was leaving for the Black and White Ball.. and she threw up all over Armani.. (laughing) the.. the man, not the gown.

¤306 - Ugly Berry

Amanda: How did it happen? We used to be the ones spreading rumors, mocking coworkers, ruining self-esteem. Because God made us pretty, God made us mean.

Betty: (reading) 'Growing up as a young girl in Brazil, Adriana would spend the summers on her grandfather's farm, where he grew Tico Berries. She ate them everyday. She credits them for making her beautiful.
(Amanda stands up)
Betty: Amanda, they don't have any here in the cafeteria.
Amanda: Not for me, it's for my friend.
(Amanda runs off)

(Betty comes running in with a basket of fruit)
Betty: I got a job!
Ignacio: Betty, I left Mexico so my family wouldn't have to sell fruit by the street.


¤307 - Crush'd

Amanda: You know Betty, you're lucky. When someone falls in love with you, it's real. I never had that. I never know if I'm loved for who I am, or because I'm so pretty.

Connor: Perfect. Older is always better.
Wilhelmina: I wouldn't know, I've been the same age for years.


¤308: Tornado Girl

Marc: (to Amanda) Hey! What are we gonna do while the editors are gone? The usual make the temps kiss each other?

Hilda: So what am I gonna sell?
Justin: Are you kidding? First you can get rid of this hideous lamp, and then get rid of half a dozen of those saints, and while you're at it, get rid of Betty's hats.

Betty: Blow over? I'm not Daniel Meade. I'm an assistant. And I don't want to be an assistant for the rest of my life. The only thing I have going for me is my reputation and now, I don't have that. I'm Tornado Girl.


¤309: When Betty Met YETI:

Marc: Betty, are you crazy? I have been discriminated against my whole life. If I was given an advantage like you, I'd take it and run with it.
Betty: Marc, you're a gay man in a fashion industry, you have plenty of advantages.
Marc: That gets me nothing.
Gay man: Madonna tickets, backstage passes.
Marc: Thanks bitch. (Betty gives him a look.) Okay, but outside the fashion world, it's a different story.

Betty: Hi Marc.
Marc: Marc isn't in right now, but if you'll leave your name and number, he'll never speak to you again, you odious sea-cow Betty. Beep!


Ecrit par MIKADO1 
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